Cute Saloon Bird Feeder: Convenient Feeding in 9 Steps

Last Updated on April 25, 2024 by teamobn

Saloon Bird Feeder
A saloon bird feeder – a great way to feed the birds in your yard

Feeding birds is a wonderful stress reliever. Interacting with nature has been shown to decrease stress levels significantly. What’s more calming than watching birds enjoy a meal? Plus, it’s a perfect excuse to soak up some fresh air and immerse yourself in nature. Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Try stepping outside to feed the birds.

If you’re keen on drawing birds to your yard or garden, setting up a bird feeder is one of the best moves you can make. Bird feeders are available in various shapes and sizes, allowing you to pick one that fits your space and style perfectly. They’re also quite affordable and easy to find. Once your feeder is up, choosing the right bird food is crucial.

Bird specialty stores offer mixes tailored to attract diverse bird species. You can also opt for fruits, nuts, and other natural treats that birds adore. Just be sure to steer clear of processed foods, which can be detrimental to their health. A bit of effort here can soon bring the delightful sights and sounds of chirping birds right to your backyard.

Looking for a rewarding DIY project for birds? Consider building a saloon bird feeder. It’s simple and requires just a few basic supplies you probably already have at home. It’s also a creative way to repurpose any scrap wood you might have lying around. Why not start today and enjoy crafting your very own saloon bird feeder?

Building a saloon bird feeder is a brilliant way to reuse wood that might otherwise be discarded. You’re transforming what might be considered waste into something valuable—a feeder that nourishes the local birds. But it’s not just for birds; this feeder also welcomes squirrels. While some might view this as a drawback, it’s actually a plus if you don’t have a vegetable garden to protect. You might even find that you enjoy the lively visits from these energetic creatures!

This project is straightforward as it doesn’t require precise measurements. You can adjust the dimensions based on the scrap wood you have. If you need guidance, a video tutorial can serve as an excellent resource for building your saloon bird feeder.

Building a saloon bird feeder is a brilliant way to reuse wood that might otherwise be discarded. You’re transforming what might be considered waste into something valuable—a feeder that nourishes the local birds. But it’s not just for birds; this feeder also welcomes squirrels. While some might view this as a drawback, it’s actually a plus if you don’t have a vegetable garden to protect. You might even find that you enjoy the lively visits from these energetic creatures!

This project is straightforward as it doesn’t require precise measurements. You can adjust the dimensions based on the scrap wood you have. If you need guidance, a video tutorial can serve as an excellent resource for building your saloon bird feeder.

Building a Saloon Bird Feeder


  • Untreated Fence Boards
  • Dowel Rod
  • Plexiglass
  • Hinges
  • Water Resistant Wood Glue
  • Black Spray Paint
  • Exterior Screws


  • Measuring Tape
  • Circular Saw
  • Speed Square
  • Table Saw
  • Bandsaw
  • Sander
  • Cordless Drill
  • Cutter


Step 1: Design and Planning

  1. Sketch the design of your saloon bird feeder. It should include a main feeding platform, a roof, and swinging saloon-style doors.
  2. Determine the dimensions based on the size you desire. A typical size could be 12 inches wide and 10 inches deep by 10 inches high.

Step 2: Cutting the Materials

  1. Use the measuring tape and speed square to mark your cuts on the untreated fence boards.
  2. Cut the boards to size for the base, sides, back, roof, and saloon doors using the table saw and circular saw.
  3. Cut the dowel rod to create perches and the swinging mechanism for the saloon doors.

Step 3: Assembling the Base and Walls

  1. Assemble the base, sides, and back using the cordless drill and exterior screws.
  2. Apply water-resistant wood glue to the joints for additional stability.

Step 4: Creating the Roof

  1. Cut the roof pieces to overhang slightly on each side to provide shelter.
  2. Attach the roof to the top of the walls using hinges so it can be lifted for cleaning and refilling.

Step 5: Adding the Saloon Doors

  1. Use the bandsaw to shape the saloon doors if you want them to have a traditional curved top.
  2. Attach the doors to the front of the feeder using hinges.
  3. Install the dowel rod as a swinging mechanism and perch.

Step 6: Installing the Plexiglass

  1. Cut the plexiglass with the cutter to fit the sides of the feeder. This allows you to see inside and monitor the seed level.
  2. Secure the plexiglass to the inside of the feeder using small screws or glue.

Step 7: Sanding and Painting

  1. Sand all surfaces with the sander to smooth any rough edges and prepare for painting.
  2. Apply black spray paint to protect the feeder and give it a finished look. Ensure the paint is non-toxic and safe for animals.

Step 8: Final Assembly

  1. Check all joints and ensure everything is secure.
  2. Screw in any additional hooks or decorations as desired.

Step 9: Installation

  1. Choose a suitable location in your yard that attracts birds and is easy to view.
  2. Hang or mount the feeder securely.

Click on any image to start the lightbox display. Use your Esc key to close the lightbox.8-)

If you like this project, you can watch the step-by-step tutorial from Steve Carmichael here:

Benefits of Bird Watching

Bird watching is a delightful activity that not only brings joy but also offers numerous health and educational benefits.  You are treated with plenty of benefits while watching birds eat. 

Let’s explore how incorporating a saloon bird feeder into your garden can enhance the bird watching experience.

Stress Reduction

The calming effect of bird watching is well-documented. Observing the natural behaviors of birds at a saloon bird feeder can significantly lower stress and anxiety levels. The gentle movements and sounds of birds feeding can serve as a form of natural meditation, helping you unwind and relax.

Educational Opportunities

A saloon bird feeder attracts a variety of birds, each with its unique behaviors and dietary needs. Watching these birds provides valuable insights into their lives, fostering a greater appreciation and understanding of biodiversity. Families with children can use this as an educational tool. It teach kids about different bird species and their roles in the ecosystem.

Encourages Physical Health

Setting up and maintaining a saloon bird feeder encourages physical activity. Whether you’re filling the feeder, cleaning it, or simply adjusting its position to get the best view, you’re engaging in physical activity. Regular visits to check on the feeder can also add a gentle, enjoyable form of exercise to your daily routine.

Enhances Mental Health

Bird watching from a saloon bird feeder can improve mental health by increasing feelings of contentment and happiness. The focus required to observe and identify different bird species can also enhance cognitive functions, keeping the mind sharp and alert.

Supports Local Wildlife

By installing a saloon bird feeder, you provide essential resources for local bird populations, especially during harsh weather conditions when food is scarce. This support helps maintain and grow the local bird population, contributing to conservation efforts right in your backyard.

Social Engagement

Bird watching can be a social activity. A saloon bird feeder serves as an excellent conversation starter and can help you connect with like-minded individuals. Communities often have bird watching clubs and groups that gather to observe and discuss birds, providing a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and share experiences.

Aesthetic Pleasure

A saloon bird feeder is not just functional; it’s also a decorative addition to your garden. The unique design of a saloon-style feeder adds a rustic charm to your outdoor space, enhancing its aesthetic appeal while attracting beautiful birds to your yard.

By integrating a saloon bird feeder into your outdoor space, you can enjoy all these benefits and contribute positively to your local environment. Whether you’re a seasoned bird watcher or just starting, the joys and benefits of this activity are sure to enrich your life.

Saloon Bird Feeder

Seasonal Feeding Tips

Seasonal changes can significantly impact the behaviors and dietary needs of birds, making it crucial to adjust your feeding strategies throughout the year. With a saloon bird feeder in your yard, you can easily cater to the needs of your feathered visitors. You can also ensure they are protected from the different seasons. 

Here are some tips on how to adjust your bird feeding practices with the seasons.

Spring Feeding Tips

Spring is a busy season for birds as they return from migration and begin the breeding process. During this time, protein-rich foods are essential. Consider stocking your saloon bird feeder with mealworms, sunflower seeds, and peanut butter. These high-protein foods help birds build strength and prepare for the demands of nesting and raising young.

Summer Feeding Tips

In summer, water becomes as crucial as food due to the heat. Ensure your saloon bird feeder is equipped with a nearby water source, like a birdbath, where birds can drink and bathe. Food-wise, continue providing a mix of seeds and fresh fruits. Berries and cut-up apples are excellent choices, offering both nutrition and hydration.

Autumn Feeding Tips

As autumn approaches and temperatures begin to drop, birds start preparing for migration or winter survival. This is the time to load your saloon bird feeder with high-fat and high-calorie foods such as suet, peanuts, and black oil sunflower seeds. 

These energy-dense foods help birds build up their fat reserves, crucial for enduring migration or the cold months ahead.

Winter Feeding Tips

During the harsh winter months, consistent food supply can be a lifeline for non-migratory birds. Keep your saloon bird feeder well-stocked with suet, thistle, and sunflower seeds. 

These foods are not only high in calories but also easy for birds to consume and digest, which is vital during cold days when energy conservation is key. Additionally, regularly check that the feeder is clear of snow and ice, and provide a sheltered area nearby to offer protection against winter winds.

By adjusting your feeding practices according to these seasonal tips, your saloon bird feeder will serve as a reliable and inviting spot for birds year-round. This not only enhances the bird watching experience but also supports the local wildlife throughout the changing seasons.


Building a saloon bird feeder is a rewarding project that transforms scrap timber into a vibrant wildlife hub. This feeder not only supports local bird populations but also adds a unique charm to your garden. Get started on this simple DIY task and enjoy the presence of feathered friends and the occasional squirrel visitor right in your backyard.

We have more ways to keep your feathered friends happy. Check out our license plate birdhouse project!



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