Dog Bunk Bed: 10 Easy Steps to a Comfy Space

Last Updated on January 23, 2024 by teamobn

dog bunk bed
Dog bunk bed – a cool way to give your pets their own ‘personal space’

Whether it’s during a run through the park or after a treat, there’s no feeling like looking at your pet and getting an adoring stare right back. Scientists say the hormones behind the bond that forms between pet owners and dogs are the same as those that create the attachment between new parents and their babies.

Your pets do a lot more than just make you feel happiness and love, too! They can help lower your cholesterol, relieve stress, and boost your self-esteem.

Dog Bunk Bed Designs
Isn’t this dog bunk bed cute?

Got more than one fur baby in the household? Then a dog bunk bed is ideal for providing your pets with a comfortable corner in which to curl up and sleep. And it’s easy to build one! Bunk beds are a great space-saving solution, but they are not just for humans. They can be for your fur babies too!

These dog bunk beds provide a cozy place for your furry friends to sleep while freeing up valuable floor space in your home. Plus, they’re just plain cute. So if you’re looking for a way to save space and make your furry friend happy, consider a bunk bed!

Pets can develop strong bonds with one another, but even the best of friends need their own space sometimes. Just like humans, pets need a place where they can relax and feel safe. Creating a space in your home that is just for your pets can help them feel comfortable and secure.

A bunk bed doesn’t only allow your pets some alone time. It also keeps the space occupied at a minimum since one bed is on top of the other. So if you’ve got two or more dogs but have limited space, a DIY dog bunk bed is the solution for you!

A dog bunk bed can be made from a variety of materials, but the most popular option is to repurpose old pallets. Of course, you can also build it using other materials, such as bamboo or timber. If you’re looking for a sturdy and budget-friendly option, pallets are a great choice. Plus, you can easily find them for free or at a low cost from many places, such as construction sites, home improvement stores, or online.

Building the dog bunk bed yourself is a great way to keep your expenses low. You can use pallets, logs and other reclaimed timber to build your bed, and you can even repurpose and modify an old crib or any other furniture you’re thinking of replacing. This is a great project for any do-it-yourselfer, and your dog will love having their own special bed.

When building your own dog bunk bed, you have the opportunity to select features that best suit your needs. For example, attaching a feeder below the bed is ideal for single-dog households. Or, you can include stairs for easy access to the top bunk – a great option for older dogs or those with joint issues. The possibilities are endless – so let your imagination run wild!

Do you think your pets need a dog bunk bed?

Get inspiration by viewing our album, and see how you can make one by watching the video below. 🙂

How to Build a Dog Bunk Bed


  • Plywood
  • Timber
  • Nails
  • Wood Glue


  • Table Saw
  • Jigsaw
  • Measuring Tape
  • Marker
  • Hammer
  • Nail Gun
  • Drill
  • Pocket Hole Jig
  • Sander
  • Wood Clamps

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Building a dog bunk bed can be a rewarding DIY project. Here’s a detailed guide using the listed materials and tools.

Design and Measurements

  • Start by sketching your design. Include dimensions for length, width, and height.
  • Measure your dogs to ensure the bed will comfortably fit them.

Cutting the Timber and Plywood

  • Use the table saw to cut timber to your desired lengths for the frame.
  • Cut plywood for the base of both beds using the jigsaw.

Assembling the Frame

  • Lay out the timber pieces for the frame.
  • Use wood glue and nails to attach the pieces, forming the base and sides of both beds.

Attaching the Base

  • Place the cut plywood on the frame.
  • Secure it with nails using the nail gun.

Building the Stairs or Ladder

  • Cut smaller timber pieces for steps.
  • Attach them to the side of the bunk bed, ensuring they are sturdy.

Creating the Top Bunk

  • Construct a second bed frame using steps 2 and 3.
  • Attach it above the bottom bunk using wood glue and nails. Ensure it’s securely fastened.

Adding Safety Rails

  • For the top bunk, cut additional timber pieces for rails.
  • Attach them around the top bunk to prevent falls.

Drilling and Reinforcing

  • Use the drill and pocket hole jig to create clean, angled holes for additional screws for extra reinforcement.

Sanding and Finishing

  • Sand all surfaces to remove splinters and rough edges.
  • Apply a pet-safe finish to protect the wood and enhance its appearance.

Final Touches

  • Add cushions or bedding for comfort.
  • Customize with paint or decorations as desired.

Ensuring Safety in Dog Bunk Beds

When introducing a dog bunk bed into your home, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. These tips ensure that the bunk bed is a secure and comfortable space for your pets.

Proper Sizing and Stability

Selecting the appropriate size for your dog bunk bed is essential. It’s important to ensure that the bed is well-suited to your dog’s size and weight. A bed that is too small or too large can lead to discomfort and safety issues. 

Dogs need enough space to stretch, turn, and relax without feeling cramped. Conversely, a bed that’s too big for a small dog can be daunting and difficult to access. Alongside size considerations, stability is a key factor. Regularly checking the bed’s stability is crucial to prevent any accidents. 

All parts of the bed should be tightly secured. This includes routinely tightening any loose screws and ensuring that the bed remains level and firm. A stable bed provides peace of mind, knowing that your dog is safe from potential collapses or accidents.

Safe Materials and Design

When building or choosing a dog bunk bed, the materials used should be safe and non-toxic. This consideration is particularly important since dogs have a tendency to chew on their surroundings. Materials that release harmful substances when chewed or ingested can pose a serious health risk to your pets. Thus, selecting materials that are free from toxic chemicals and finishes is essential for your dog’s safety and well-being. 

Additionally, the design of the bed should incorporate smooth and rounded edges. Sharp or rough edges can cause injuries to pets, such as scratches or cuts. By ensuring that all edges of the bed are smooth and properly finished, you reduce the risk of any such injuries. This attention to detail in materials and design not only enhances the safety of the bunk bed but also contributes to the overall comfort and health of your dogs.

Accessibility and Comfort

Ensuring easy access to the bunk bed is vital, especially for older or smaller dogs. These pets may find it challenging to jump onto higher surfaces. Including steps or a ramp can significantly aid their access to the bed. The steps or ramp should be designed with the right gradient and traction to prevent slipping. This allows dogs to comfortably and safely climb up and down without strain or injury. 

In addition, the comfort of the bedding in the bunk bed is crucial. Providing soft, supportive bedding helps maintain your dog’s joint health and overall comfort. This is particularly important for older dogs or those with arthritis. The bedding should be plush enough to offer comfort but firm enough to support their body and relieve pressure points.

Regular Maintenance

Consistent inspection of the dog bunk bed is essential for ensuring its long-term safety and durability. Regular checks should be made for any signs of wear or damage, such as loose nails or splintered wood. These can be hazardous, potentially leading to injuries. Addressing such issues promptly by tightening loose components or smoothing out rough edges can prevent accidents. 

Maintaining the cleanliness of the bed is equally important. A dirty bed can harbor bacteria and parasites, leading to health issues for your dog. Regular cleaning of the bed and its bedding ensures a hygienic environment for your pet. This involves washing the bedding, wiping down surfaces, and checking for any pests. By keeping the bed clean and well-maintained, you provide a safe and healthy sleeping area for your dog.

Selecting the Ideal Material for Your Dog Bunk Bed

Choosing the right material for your dog bunk bed is a critical decision that affects the bed’s safety, durability, and how well it fits into your home. Here’s a guide to help you make an informed choice.

Strength and Durability

When building a dog bunk bed, it’s essential to choose a material that can reliably support your dog’s weight and endure daily wear and tear. Solid woods, such as timber, are commonly selected for their strength and longevity. These materials can comfortably bear the weight of your pets, ensuring the bed remains stable and secure over time. 

Moreover, solid wood is known for its resistance to damage and its ability to maintain structural integrity under constant use. This makes it an ideal choice for pet furniture that needs to withstand jumping, climbing, and general pet activity. The durability of timber also means that the bunk bed will remain a fixture in your home for years, providing a cozy and safe space for your pets without the need for frequent replacements or repairs.

Sustainable and Budget-Friendly Options

For those who are environmentally conscious or working within a budget, repurposing materials like old pallets is a great solution. These materials can be transformed into unique and attractive dog beds at a fraction of the cost of buying new materials. 

Repurposed pallets, in particular, are becoming increasingly popular for DIY pet furniture due to their availability and low cost. They can often be found for free or at a minimal expense, making them an economical choice. However, it’s important to ensure that these materials are safe for your pets. 

Before using repurposed wood, check that it hasn’t been treated with chemicals that could be harmful to your dogs. Also, inspect the wood for any signs of pests or rot to ensure the health and safety of your pets. With the right preparation, these sustainable options not only benefit the environment but also provide a sturdy and cost-effective base for your dog’s bunk bed.

Ease of Maintenance

Selecting materials that are easy to clean and maintain is vital in ensuring the longevity of the dog bunk bed and the health of your pets. Woods that can be easily wiped down and are resistant to stains are ideal for this purpose. 

Such materials not only make regular cleaning less of a chore but also help in maintaining a hygienic environment for your pets to sleep in. This is particularly important as dogs can bring in dirt and debris from outside, and a material that is easy to clean will ensure that the bed remains a safe and clean space for them to rest. 

Additionally, materials that are resistant to wear and tear will keep the bed looking new for longer, reducing the need for frequent refurbishing or replacement. By choosing easy-to-maintain materials, you ensure that the dog bunk bed remains a comfortable and hygienic space for your pets with minimal effort.

Safety Considerations

The safety of the materials used in constructing a dog bunk bed cannot be overstated. It is crucial to avoid materials that is prone to splintering or have been treated with harmful chemicals. Splinters can cause injuries to your pets, and chemicals can be toxic if ingested or inhaled. Therefore, it is essential to choose materials that are pet-safe and durable. 

If you plan to paint or finish the bed, it is vital to use non-toxic, pet-safe products. These products ensure that even if your dog chews on the bed, they will not be exposed to harmful substances. Prioritizing safety in the materials and finishes you choose will provide peace of mind and contribute to the overall well-being of your pets.

Aesthetic Appeal

While functionality and safety are paramount, the aesthetic appeal of the dog bunk bed is also important. It should complement and enhance the interior design of your home. Wood is a versatile material that can be stained or painted to match your existing furniture, allowing for seamless integration into your home décor. 

Alternatively, repurposed materials like pallets can add a unique and rustic charm, making the bunk bed a standout piece in your space. The material and finish you choose should align with your personal style and the overall aesthetic of your home, making the dog bunk bed not just a functional item, but also a decorative one. By considering the aesthetic appeal, you ensure that the bed enhances your home’s ambiance while providing a comfortable space for your pets.

FAQs on DIY Dog Bunk Beds

What is a dog bunk bed?

A dog bunk bed is a type of pet furniture that features two beds, one above the other, designed to accommodate multiple dogs. It’s similar to a human bunk bed but tailored for dogs’ comfort and safety.

Are dog bunk beds safe?

Yes, when constructed properly with safe materials and a sturdy design, dog bunk beds are safe. It’s important to ensure that the bed has smooth edges, is made from non-toxic materials, and is stable enough to support your dogs’ weight.

Can any dog use a bunk bed?

Bunk beds are suitable for most dogs, but consider individual needs. Older dogs or those with mobility issues may find it difficult to use the top bunk, so a ramp or steps can be helpful.

How do I choose the right size bunk bed for my dog?

Measure your dog and consider their sleeping style. The bed should be large enough for your dog to lie down comfortably without hanging over the edges. For multiple dogs, ensure each dog has enough space.

What materials are best for building a dog bunk bed?

Durable and safe materials like timber or repurposed pallets are ideal. Ensure the materials are non-toxic and free from sharp edges. The material should also be easy to clean and maintain.

Can I build a dog bunk bed myself?

Yes, building a dog bunk bed can be a DIY project. You’ll need the right tools and materials, and some woodworking knowledge is beneficial. There are many guides and plans available to help you.

How do I maintain a dog bunk bed?

Regularly inspect the bed for any damage or loose parts, and clean it frequently to maintain hygiene. Use pet-friendly cleaning products and ensure the bed’s bedding is washed regularly.

Are there specific design features to consider for a dog bunk bed?

Consider adding safety features like railings on the top bunk and steps or a ramp for easy access. Customization can also include adding feeding stations or storage for pet supplies.

How do I ensure the bunk bed matches my home decor?

Choose materials and colors that complement your existing furniture. Wood can be stained or painted, and repurposed materials can add a unique look to fit your home’s style.

What should I do if my dog doesn’t use the bunk bed?

Encourage your dog to use the bed by placing their favorite toys or blankets on it. Make sure the bed is in a comfortable and quiet area of your home. Patience and positive reinforcement can also help.


A dog bunk bed is more than just a sleeping space for your pets. It’s a practical, space-saving solution that adds charm to your home while providing comfort and security for your furry friends. Using the right materials, ensuring safety and comfort, and adding personal touches, you create a special retreat for your dogs.



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