Bamboo Clothes Ladder

Last Updated on April 2, 2021 by teamobn

Here’s one DIY idea inspired by repurposed ladders used for hanging towels. If you don’t have an old ladder to repurpose and want a rustic look, then gather some bamboo and start making your own ladder!

Bamboo Clothes Ladder

This is also a great little storage or rack idea in the bedroom for scarves and ties. It’s easy to make, sturdy, light weight, easily moved, space-saving and beautiful – what’s not to love?

How would you use this DIY bamboo clothes ladder hanger? 🙂


  • 2 long Bamboo poles (about 38mm diameter, 180cm tall)
  • 3 smaller Bamboo sticks (about 20mm diameter, 90cm tall)
  • Twine – natural
  • Scissors
  • Saw
  • Sandpaper
  • Ruler
  • Marker


Bamboo Clothes Ladder

Measure the smaller bamboo sticks and cut them in half so that you have 6 small sticks.

Use the saw to cut off any ends which are not flat.


Use sandpaper to saw off any rough edges.


Then measure out your poles so your cross poles are spaced evenly over your tall poles. I made mine approximately 30cm apart  Try to be as accurate as possible.


Use the twine to make square lashings to fasten the cross poles with the uprights as tightly as possible.

I found this excellent page on how to tie the knot: Square Lashing

As you can see from the photo, I added a cross in the middle. This cross is not necessary for the ladder to be solid. I did if for decorative purposes only.
If you are following the page on how to tie a square lashing, between step 12 and 13, I wound my twine diagonally across the top of the small pole, then straight under the upright a couple of times to get the effect.

Lash each cross pole onto the uprights, the same distance apart. Make sure your uprights are parallel.

Bamboo Clothes Ladder Final Step

Once your work is complete, you may need to move some of your cross poles if they are not quite in the right place. It is easier to move them horizontally than vertically.

Simply hold the upright tight, and maneuver the cross pole to where you want it. You may have to wiggle it a little. Once you’re done, you can lean it against a wall and hang things on it.

Unless you use extremely strong materials and your lashings are fantastic, please don’t attempt to actually use it as a ladder.


Thanks to MissMonkeyXXX for this great tutorial!




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