DIY this easy PVC Pipe Wine Rack!

Last Updated on March 23, 2017 by teamobn

Are you a wine lover, looking for a rack to store your bottles? Why not make your own stylish wine rack?

PVC Wine Rack

These PVC pipe wine racks are great because of its simple and modern look. Unlike the wooden racks, these are just light storage items – perfect if you don’t want anymore “heavy” elements in your kitchen or dining.

These would also be great gift ideas for the other wine lovers that you know. 🙂


  • 110 mm diameter PVC Pipe
  • 50 mm diameter PVC Pipe
  • PVC Glue
  • Spray Paint (your choice of colour)
  • Sandpaper – 800 and 40 grit
  • Damp Old Cloth
  • Newspaper


  • Hand Saw or a Dremel Saw-Max


PVC Wine Rack

Cut the PVC Pipes to 180 mm lengths. Sand the rough edges with 80-grit sandpaper, and the sides with the 400-grit. Wipe the pipes with damp cloth to remove dust.

PVC Wine Rack

Then on some sheets of newspaper in open air, spray paint the pipes, standing upright, with your chosen colour. Apply two coats, letting the first one dry before doing the second.

PVC Wine Rack

When the paint has dried completely, apply a thin strip of glue along the side of the bigger pipe.

PVC Wine Rack

Then attach a smaller pipe, making sure that the ends are aligned. Repeat these last two steps two or more times, depending on you, with the large and small pipes.

PVC Wine Rack

Glue the sections to form one whole wine rack, but try positioning them all first until you are satisfied with how it looks before applying glue. And you’re done!

Easy isn’t it? 🙂

Source: dezine




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