DIY Book Clock

Last Updated on April 2, 2021 by teamobn

I loooove reading novels and now I have a bunch of books sitting in my room. They have basically become “useless” things that just gather dust but I love them. And since I don’t have the courage to sell or give them away, I have decided to upcycle some of them in a couple of ways. Here’s one project I did which took about an hour – a book clock!

You should try it on one of your books, especially if you’ve been thinking of buying a new clock. This would be a better idea – cheaper and unique! It would also be a cool gift for friends and family :)

Vintage Book Clock


  • Hardbound Book
  • Clock Kit
  • Sharp Cutter/Craft Knife
  • Metal Ruler
  • Awl – or any sharp object to make a small hole on the cover


Vintage Book Clock

Choose a nice hardbound book: The cover should have a plain and  simple design so that you won’t have a hard time reading the clock. It would also be nice if you could get one with a relevant title.

Vintage Book Clock

A really old book – one with yellow pages – would be better for a vintage touch.

Vintage Book Clock

Buy/get a clock set that would fit  inside your book, of course :) Clock kits are cheap and they are not difficult to find. Some of you may even get to choose the hands that will go with the mechanism. Consider this when choosing your clock. It should match the style of your book, and again, must be easy to look at.

Vintage Book Clock

Determine the placement of your clock. If you plan to make it stand on a table or shelf, keep in mind that the minute hand should not rotate past the bottom of the book. You wouldn’t want it to hit the table. But if you plan to hang it on a wall, it won’t be necessary.

Vintage Book Clock

Using a cutter and a ruler, carefully make a hole where your clock would fit perfectly. See, every now and then, if you can close the book as if nothing is inside. If not keep digging, but do not cut down all the way through! And of course, do not forget to puncture the cover.

Vintage Book Clock

Add batteries and the hands, according to the directions in your kit and that’s it! You now have a very nice vintage book clock :)

Source: braimb




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