Last Updated on July 6, 2023 by teamobn
To begin, it’s vital to recognize that healthy chickens demand continuous care and enjoy reasonably long lives. Some breeds can live for a decade or more, so be prepared to take care of them for their entire life. It is a long-term commitment.
However, if you create the conditions for a healthy and happy living for your chickens, they will be able to take care of themselves. If you provide the essentials, such as coops, feeders, waterers, and other items, your flock will be able to settle easily and grow healthily.
Chicken Coops
The chicken coop you will choose should be directly proportional to the number and size of chickens you will have. You can build your own to fit your needs, or you can buy pre-built coops that are effective and can be delivered straight to your door.
When selecting a coop, stick to the requirements. Each bird should have at least two to three square feet of area. Look for coops that do not utilize treated wood if you wish to avoid harmful chemicals.
One of the excellent solutions available nowadays is a large metal chicken coop cage. It is suitable for housing chickens as well as other animals like rabbits and ducks in both urban and rural environments. Its galvanized metal frame is strong and rust-resistant, and it is meant to last in an outdoor environment.
The wire spacing prevents paws from getting hooked on or stuck in between, making it more secure. Outdoor weather protection is provided with water and UV-resistant cover. A lockable door provides additional safety and security.
Key Advantages:
- Large-Size Housing
- Outdoor Ready
- Heavy-Duty Frame
- Ergonomic Design

Chicken Feeders
Chickens enjoy scratching at the ground or bedding, which unfortunately ends up in their food or water. When it comes to containing food and water, simple pans or old bowls are quite insufficient. If waste or dirt, gets scratched into your chickens’ food and even water, bacteria can grow and create health problems.
You can use DIY feeders. This is fine if you have the time to clean and refill on a regular basis. Otherwise, there are automatic chicken feeders that are not only highly efficient but also very safe to use.
It allows three birds to feed at the same time and holds up to 50 pounds of grain to eliminate the need for periodic maintenance. With this economical chicken coop addition, you’ll only need to refill it every 4-6 weeks for 3-5 chickens, every 2-3 weeks for 6-11 chickens, and every 1-2 weeks for 12-15 chickens.
They have smart-feeding ports that prevent chickens from soiling or spilling feed, resulting in less wasted feed and a cleaner coop for your chickens.
When it rains, the port overhang and concealed recessed channel keep runoff water from spilling into the feeder and contaminating significant volumes of feed for your chickens.
Unlike traditional or self-made chicken feeders, it can be cleaned and refilled on the ground. The large mouth opening makes it simple to fill the chicken coop feeder and reattach the top to keep water out.
Key Advantages:
- Constant Flock Feeding
- Extra Large Feed Storage
- No-Waste Feeding Design
- Easy Cleaning and Maintenance
- UV-Protected and Food-Safe Dispenser

Chicken Waterers
Look for watering containers with rounded tops so your chickens can’t roost on them because where chickens roost is where they poo. Most chicken founts are designed to auto-fill so that as your chickens drink from the fount, additional fresh water fills the reservoirs.
Automatic chicken waterers are an excellent addition to any coop. They ensure that your flock has a steady supply of drinking water. Use any container, such as a 5-gallon chicken waterer.
Key Advantages:
- Constant Water Supply
- Large Bowl Size
- Superior Design
- Easy Cleaning

Chicken Fence
Your fence should be high enough so that none of your chickens can fly over it. A six-foot fence will suffice for most chickens. Some small chicken breeds, on the other hand, can fly over a six-foot fence if they really want to.
Plastic wire mesh with high-density low-pressure ABS plastic particles, good quality, and durability, can be used for fencing areas where lightness is needed. Also long-lasting, non-toxic, and transparent.
Key Advantages:
- Corrosion-Resistant
- Wear-Resistant
- Lightness

Chicken Beddings
Choosing the correct bedding is as important as the coops and feeders. If you are bringing home young chicks, use anything soft that retains heat, such as pine shavings. Shavings can also be utilized for the whole life of the chicken, but be careful to replace them frequently or, if using the deep litter method, add more as needed to prevent odors, bacteria growth, and mold.
High-quality pine bedding is excellent. Pine shavings can be completely natural and biodegradable, so you don’t have to worry about unsafe disposal. It is absolutely environmentally friendly. They’re also great for composting.
Chicken pine shavings are specifically processed to remove dust and wood debris commonly found in poultry bedding. Less dust means healthier environments. This bedding is ideal for your coop and nesting boxes because it has no additives, colors, or irritants.
Pine shavings are known as well to be excellent moisture absorbers and can be used to insulate chicken coops even during the coldest months.
Key Advantages:
- Dust-Free Coop Bedding
- 100% Biodegradable
- Natural Odor Control

Diatomaceous Earth
As a preventative measure, all poultry owners should keep Diatomaceous Earth on hand. Dust showers are a favorite pastime of your flock. While flopping around in your flower bed, your chickens are actually taking a bath to prevent or rid themselves of mites or lice. Having food-grade diatomaceous earth on hand will help with external parasite prevention and treatment.
Diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled around your chickens’ favorite bathing area or even directly on them. It’s entirely harmless, and your chickens will adore it.
According to research, free-range chickens fed DE gained weight and laid more and larger eggs with more yolk and albumen.
Key Advantages:
- Pure & Undiluted Shower Replacement
- Natural Ingredient (Amorphous Silica)

Nesting Boxes
Nesting boxes come in a range of shapes, sizes, and materials. There are also plastic nesting boxes, nesting boxes with built-in shelves to avoid egg gnawing, and multi-nesting box shelves. Don’t let the diversity of options overwhelm you; concentrate on your needs.
Nesting boxes are a must-have for all chicken owners if you don’t want your eggs all over the coop. Hens prefer to lay eggs in places that are secure, contained, and warm. If you don’t supply it for them, they will look for it elsewhere, which is usually out of reach or concealed from you.
Key Advantages:
- Quick Assembly
- Multiple Tray Styles
- Rust-Resistant

Foods and Supplements
You must have adequate feed on hand for your new flock. Your young chicks will be thirsty and hungry, so make sure you have something for them when they arrive. Buy chick starter feed, medicated or non-medicated.
Chickens change swiftly from chicks to pullets from birth to roughly eight weeks. Your baby chicks require starter feed to establish and promote their bone health and immunity. A good starter feed should contain complete proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Your chicks should eat starter feed for the first eight weeks of their lives until they are introduced to grower feed.
If you’re hosting layers, make sure to offer them layer feed, which contains some of the vitamins and minerals chickens need to produce strong, nutritious eggs.
Supplements are also essential for raising poultry and bantam breeds as they assist with proper digestion. Giving them chick grit with probiotics, scratches, and treats is an excellent approach to support healthy growth.
Key Advantages:
- Locally Sourced Nourishment
- 100% Natural
- Rich in Protein and Calcium

Chicken Perches and Swings
Chicken perches provide your chickens with a wonderful new way to play in their chicken run. It’s an easy and quick way to add a fun decoration. It is great for all chicken breeds. The chicken toy has a semi-circular aperture on both ends, which is a brilliant design for the chick to stand and pass through when utilizing this accessory.
Chicken swings are also available and specifically created for chicken leisure, providing fun and relieving boredom.
Key Advantages:
- Enjoyable and Safe Design
- Easy to Setup
- Premium Materials

Chickens’ Coop Heaters
The low-wattage heating panel is ideal for outdoor coops and freezing winter weather, providing steady moderate heat without overheating the environment of your chickens.
Most heaters have built-in electrical safety precautions. Made with sturdy ABS materials with an overheating prevention system, they will keep livestock safe. Only consume between 100 and 200 watts of power; combine the advantages of convection and radiant heat to provide a beneficial effect for your chickens.
Key Advantages:
- Easy to Install
- Anti-Bite Wire
- Thermal Protection System

Final Thoughts
You will avoid having to dash to the store at the last minute for anything you didn’t have on hand if you are well-prepared.
Having the items we’ve discussed will set the foundation for a happy, healthy flock that will provide you with loads of enjoyment and delicious breakfast eggs.