An efficient chicken coop with green roof!

Last Updated on October 6, 2022 by teamobn

Chicken Coop with Green Roof
Build a chicken coop with green roof!

If you’re looking for an interesting and unique project for your backyard chickens, why not try building a green roof for their coop?

Not only will this chicken coop with green roof provide them with some much-needed extra space, but it’s also a great way to add some greenery to your property.

The importance of a chicken coop in your own backyard is often underestimated. Many people are unaware of the many benefits that come with owning a chicken coop. One of the most obvious benefits of owning a chicken coop is that you will have a constant supply of fresh eggs. Store-bought eggs can often be expensive, and they are not always as fresh as you would like them to be.

Chicken Coop with Green Roof

When you have your own chickens, you can be sure that your eggs are always fresh and delicious. Chickens are also natural pest control experts. They love to eat insects, grubs, and other pests that can damage your garden or yard. How much more if you incorporate it with a green roof?

A chicken coop with green roof can provide a number of benefits for your chickens. The green roof will help to insulate the coop and keep the chicken’s environment cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. The vegetation on the roof will also help to filter out dust and other airborne particles, providing your chickens with a cleaner, healthier environment. In addition, the green roof will add aesthetic appeal to your chicken coop, making it a more pleasant place for both you and your chickens.

A way to add some extra space to your backyard is to consider investing in a chicken coop with green roof. Not only will this provide a home for your chickens, but it can also be a great way to add a bit of greenery to your outdoor space.

Whether you use it for a vegetable garden, a few potted plants, or a beautiful flower bed, a green roof can make a world of difference in the look and feel of your backyard. Not only will you enjoy the aesthetic benefits of having plants in your backyard, but you’ll also get to reap the rewards of fresh air and improved mental and physical health.

Even if you already have chickens dominating a large part of your yard, you can still add more greens to your garden with this chicken coop with green roof. The roof of your chicken coop is a nice extra spot for growing plants. By adding some soil and some plants, you can create a little oasis for your chickens – and yourself. Not only will it look nice, but it will also provide your chickens with some fresh vegetation to eat.

And as mentioned it serves more than just one purpose! Aside from being able to add more varieties of plants in your yard, you are also giving your chooks better protection against extreme weather as the green roof is an excellent insulator. As a bonus, It also makes your chicken coop more pleasing to the eye thus enhancing the look of your entire backyard. ?

Do you know anyone who will like this chicken coop with green roof project?

You’ll need these materials:

  • Sheet of Plywood
  • 1 x 10 x 10 Board
  • Basic Potting Soil
  • PVC Tubes and Fittings
  • Plastic Sheeting
  • 4 Drawer Handles
  • Nails and Screws

And these tools:

  • Circular Saw
  • Drill
  • Hammer
  • Cutter
  • Measuring Tape

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Thanks to Primal Palate for this great project. You can get step-by-step instructions here



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