DIY Mason Jar Lights

Last Updated on April 2, 2021 by teamobn

If you need elegant-looking lighting without having to spend big money, here’s one DIY project you might want to try. Indoor or outdoor, these lights are beautiful.

Mason Jar Lighting


  • Mason jar
  • The socket you want to put the jar on
  • A plastic or metal ring that fits your socket (to secure your jar lid to the socket)
  • Light bulb (warm white)
  • A nail or wood screw
  • A pen, pencil, or marker
  • A hammer
  • Scissors
  • Pliers
  • A flat head screwdriver


Choose the size of your socket and light bulb depending on the jars that you have. Make sure that the bulb would not be too close to the glass.

Mason Jar Lighting

Trace the socket.

Mason Jar Lighting

Punch holes along the circle, using hammer and a nail or whatever tool you have to make those holes.

Mason Jar Lighting

Punch holes around the circle for ventilation.

Mason Jar Lighting

Using hammer and flat head screwdriver, cut out the center of the lid.

Continued on page 2…




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