PVC Yard Tool Storage: 9 Easy Steps to an Organized Garage

Last Updated on January 22, 2024 by teamobn

PVC yard tool storage - the best way to organize your garage and garden shed
PVC yard tool storage – the best way to organize your garage and garden shed

If you love gardening but can’t stand looking at the chaotic jumble of garden and yard tools, you aren’t alone. For many people, this is an overwhelming task, and a very daunting task indeed. However, take some action to organise your tools and you’ll thank yourself in the end.

A Yard tool storage should be able to help you with this task. Organizing your yard tools doesn’t have to be a discouraging task. With a little bit of planning and some creative thinking, you can easily find a storage solution that works for you and your space.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to organize your tools and make your garden look more attractive. One way to organize your tools is to keep them in a shed or garage. This will protect them from the elements and keep them out of sight. You can buy or even build yourself a yard tool storage.

If you do decide on making yard tool storage, and you have PVC pipes laying around, this can be a great way to store them. Not only is this tool holder idea easy to build, but it’s also very functional. Once you make one, you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of it sooner!

What’s great about this tool holder idea is that it uses very minimal space in your shed or garage. Because it’s mounted on the wall, it doesn’t get in the way of being able to freely move around your garage. It looks neat, and is very accessible, too!

PVC Garage Tool Organizer

This DIY tool storage idea can cost you nothing if you happen to have some excess of the materials needed from a previous project. These are also a great part of your power tool organizer in your garage.

How to make a DIY yard tool storage


  • PVC Pipes
  • 3/4″ Plywood or Excess Wood Planks
  • Sandpaper
  • Screws
  • Colored Duct Tape (optional for labeling)


  • Cordless Drill
  • Band Saw
  • Measuring Tape


Yes, making your yard tool storage does not have to be a complicated process. Even a beginner will be able to do it without much trouble. Here are the steps to making your own yard tool storage.

  1. Measure and Plan: First, use the measuring tape to determine the length of PVC pipes needed. Consider the types of tools you’ll be storing and their sizes. Plan the layout on the plywood or wood planks with the attached PVC pipes.
  2. Cut PVC Pipes: Cut the PVC pipes into desired lengths with the band saw. Ensure each piece is cut straight for a uniform look. If you prefer, you can cut them at an angle for a unique design.
  3. Prepare the Pipes: Smooth the edges of the cut PVC pipes using sandpaper. This step prevents any sharp edges from damaging your tools.
  4. Prepare the Base: Cut the plywood or wood planks to the size needed for your storage space. Sand the edges for a smooth finish.
  5. Drill Holes for Attachment: Mark where each PVC pipe will be attached to the wood base. Drill holes in these spots for the screws. Ensure the holes on the base align with your PVC pipe placement.
  6. Attach PVC Pipes: Place each PVC pipe over the pre-drilled holes on the wood base. Secure them using screws and the cordless drill. Ensure each pipe is firmly attached.
  7. Labeling (Optional): Use colored duct tape to label each PVC pipe. This helps identify where each tool goes, making organization easier.
  8. Mount the Storage Unit: Finally, mount your new yard tool storage on a wall or inside your shed or garage. Ensure it’s securely attached and can support the weight of your tools.

Budget-Friendly Yard Tool Storage Solutions

Creating an organized space for your yard tools doesn’t have to break the bank. With some creativity and resourcefulness, you can develop effective storage solutions that are both affordable and functional. Here are several budget-friendly ideas for keeping your tools neat and accessible.

Repurpose Household Items

Look around your home for items that can be repurposed into tool storage. Old pallets, unused crates, or even large, sturdy cans can be transformed into holders for rakes, shovels, and other long-handled tools. This approach saves money and adds a unique touch to your space.

DIY Wall Racks

You can construct a wall rack for hanging tools using simple materials like scrap wood and nails. This method is particularly cost-effective and can be customized to fit the size and shape of your space. Plus, it keeps tools off the ground and organized.

Use Hooks and Pegboards

Pegboards are an affordable and versatile option for tool storage. By attaching different sizes of hooks, you can hang various tools to maximize space and keep everything visible. Pegboards can be cut to fit any area, making them perfect for small spaces.

Utilize Vertical Space

Maximizing vertical space is key in tight areas. Install shelves or hang bins on walls to store smaller tools and gardening supplies. This method saves floor space and makes it easier to find what you need.

Container Storage

Plastic bins and containers are cost-effective for storing and protecting smaller tools and accessories. Label each container for easy identification. These can be stacked or stored under a workbench to save space.

By employing these budget-friendly yard tool storage solutions, you can organize your tools without spending a lot of money. This approach brings order to your workspace and enhances the efficiency of your gardening and yard maintenance activities.

Safety Considerations in Yard Tool Storage

Ensuring safety is paramount when organizing your yard tool storage. Accidents can happen easily in cluttered or improperly maintained storage areas. Here are key safety considerations to remember when organizing your yard tool storage.

Secure Storage of Sharp Tools

Proper storage of sharp tools in your yard tool storage is essential for safety. Tools like pruners, saws, and shears should be stored so their sharp edges are not exposed. This can be achieved using custom holders, sheaths, or magnetic strips. 

Magnetic strips effectively hang metal tools on a wall, keeping sharp edges away from hands. Custom holders, tailored to fit the specific shape of each tool, provide a secure grip, ensuring tools stay in place. Sheaths, on the other hand, cover the sharp parts of the tools, protecting you when you reach for them or when they are not in use. 

Regular inspection of these storage solutions is crucial. It ensures that they remain in good condition and continue to provide safe storage for sharp tools in your yard tool storage.

Stable and Secure Racking

The stability of racks and shelves in your yard tool storage is vital for preventing accidents. All storage units should be securely anchored to the wall or floor. This is particularly important for heavy items like lawnmowers or leaf blowers, which can cause significant injuries if they fall. 

When installing racks or shelves, use appropriate fittings and ensure they are suitable for the weight they will hold. It’s also wise to evenly distribute weight across the shelves to prevent tipping. 

Regular checks are needed to ensure the racks remain secure over time. Loose fittings should be tightened, and any signs of wear or damage should be addressed immediately. Properly secured racks and shelves increase the safety of your yard tool storage and help maintain the longevity of your tools by preventing falls and damage.

Keep Tools Out of Children’s Reach

Ensuring that dangerous tools are out of children’s reach is crucial in yard tool storage. If children can access the area, storing hazardous tools such as saws, shears, and power tools in lockable cabinets or on high shelves is important. These storage solutions prevent accidental access by children, reducing the risk of injury. 

Using child-proof locks on cabinets adds an extra layer of security in your yard tool storage. Educating children about the dangers associated with yard tools is also essential. Teaching them not to play in the yard tool storage area and explaining why certain tools are dangerous helps them understand the importance of safety. Regular reminders and supervision ensure that children remain aware of the risks and stay safe around yard tool storage.

Proper Storage of Chemicals and Fuels

Storing chemicals and fuels safely is a key aspect of maintaining a safe yard tool storage. All chemicals and fuels used for yard maintenance should be in labeled, sealed containers. This labeling is crucial for quick identification and proper handling. 

These containers should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. This helps prevent the degradation of the chemicals and reduces the risk of combustion or chemical reactions. It’s also important to store these containers to prevent spills and leaks, which can harm both people and the environment. 

Constant checks should be conducted in your yard tool storage to ensure that the containers remain intact and the storage area remains safe. Proper ventilation in the storage area is also important to prevent the build-up of harmful fumes from fuels and chemicals. This practice ensures a safer environment in and around your yard tool storage.

Regular Maintenance of Tools and Storage Area

Consistent maintenance is essential for keeping your yard tool storage safe and efficient. Regularly inspect all tools for signs of wear or damage. Sharp tools should be checked for dullness or rust, which can make them dangerous to use. Power tools require a check of their cords and batteries. If any tool is found to be damaged, repair it if possible or replace it to maintain the safety of your yard tool storage. 

The storage area itself also needs attention. Inspect the condition of shelves, racks, and cabinets. Tighten any loose screws or bolts and repair or replace any part that is weak or broken. This ensures that the storage solutions remain secure and capable of holding the tools without risk of collapse. A well-maintained yard tool storage minimizes the risk of accidents and extends the life of your tools.

Clear Pathways

Maintaining clear pathways in your yard tool storage area is vital for preventing accidents. Ensure the floor is clutter-free, and tools are not left around. Tools should be returned to their designated places after use. This practice makes your yard tool storage more organized and prevents tripping hazards. 

Additionally, ensure that cables or cords from power tools are not stretched across walkways. If extension cords are necessary, run them along walls or secure them so they do not create a tripping hazard. Good organization plays a key role in this aspect. Wall mounts, hooks, and shelves effectively can free up floor space, keeping pathways clear. Regularly cleaning the yard tool storage area also contributes to clear pathways, providing a safer environment to work and move in.

With these safety considerations, you can create an organized and safe yard tool storage area for you and your family. Safe yard tool storage practices protect the tools and the users, ensuring a more enjoyable and accident-free gardening experience.

Eco-Friendly Yard Tool Storage Options

Creating an eco-friendly yard tool storage space is a great way to organize your tools while being mindful of the environment. By choosing sustainable materials and methods, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute positively to the environment. Here are some green storage solutions for your yard tools.

Repurpose and Reuse

One of the most eco-friendly approaches is to repurpose existing materials. Old furniture, pallets, or containers can be converted into effective storage solutions for yard tools. This saves materials from landfills and adds a unique, personal touch to your yard tool storage.

Use Sustainable Materials

When building or buying new storage solutions, opt for sustainable materials. Bamboo, reclaimed wood, or recycled plastic are great for eco-friendly yard tool storage. These materials are durable and have a lower environmental impact than traditional options.=

Install a Green Roof on Storage Units

Consider installing a green roof if you have an outdoor shed for yard tool storage. This involves growing plants on the roof, which helps in insulation and reduces runoff. It’s a great way to enhance your yard tool storage while contributing to biodiversity and better air quality.

Energy-Efficient Lighting

If your yard tool storage area requires lighting, choose energy-efficient options like LED bulbs. Solar-powered lights are an even greener choice, reducing electricity usage and leveraging renewable energy for your yard tool storage needs.

Chemical-Free Maintenance

Maintain your yard tool storage using eco-friendly products. Avoid chemicals for cleaning or treating wood. Natural oils and vinegar-based solutions are effective alternatives that are kinder to the environment.

Adopting these eco-friendly yard tool storage solutions lets you organize your tools efficiently and positively impact the environment. These green practices in yard tool storage are steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

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FAQs about Yard Tool Storage

What is the best way to store yard tools?

The best way to store yard tools involves wall racks, shelves, and cabinets in your yard tool storage area. This keeps tools organized,easily accessible, and protects them from damage.

How can I make my yard tool storage eco-friendly?

You can make your yard tool storage eco-friendly by using sustainable materials like bamboo or reclaimed wood, repurposing old furniture, and using energy-efficient lighting such as LED or solar-powered lights.

Is it necessary to label tools in my yard tool storage?

While not necessary, labeling tools in your yard tool storage helps quickly identify and locate tools, especially in a shared space or for easy maintenance.

How can I prevent rust on tools in my yard tool storage?

Store tools dry to prevent rust and clean them before storing. You can also use silica gel packs in your yard tool storage to absorb excess moisture.

What safety considerations should I keep in mind for yard tool storage?

Safety considerations for yard tool storage include storing sharp tools so their edges are not exposed, ensuring racks and shelves are stable and securely anchored, and keeping chemicals and fuels in labeled, sealed containers.

Can I store power tools in my yard tool storage?

Yes, power tools can be stored in your yard tool storage. Ensure they are kept away from moisture and stored securely to prevent them from falling.

What is a cost-effective yard tool storage solution?

A cost-effective yard tool storage solution can create DIY racks and shelves from scrap wood or repurpose household items like pallets or old cabinets.

How often should I maintain my yard tool storage area?

Regular maintenance, such as checking the condition of tools and storage fixtures, should be done at least twice a year or as needed.

Are there any specific tips for storing yard chemicals and fuels?

Store chemicals and fuels in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, and in clearly labeled, sealed containers to prevent leaks and fumes.

What should I do if I don’t have enough space for yard tool storage?

If space is limited, consider vertical storage solutions like wall-mounted racks or multi-purpose furniture that can double storage. Maximizing vertical space is key in small yard tool storage areas.


Organizing your yard tools effectively enhances your storage area’s functionality and safety. By incorporating the right materials, layout, and safety practices. You can create a yard tool storage that meets your needs and contributes positively to the environment. With these tips and ideas, you can maintain a neat, efficient, and eco-friendly space for all your gardening tools.



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