Trash Can Root Cellar: Cheap Storage in 10 Steps

Trash Can Root Cellar

Why use a refrigerator to store vegetables during the winter when you can use the natural (and free) cold weather temperature with a root cellar? Trash can root cellars come in different types, sizes, and costs. It doesn’t always have to be a big investment or a big project, and this trash can root cellar is a […]

Functional Backyard Smokehouse: 3-in-1 Fun Outdoor Cookery

Smokehouse, Pizza Oven, Garden Grill

Are you interested in trying different types of outdoor cooking but don’t have a lot of space in your backyard? Then this project is definitely for you! It’s compact and can be used for three different types of cooking: smoking, grilling, and making pizzas. So if you’re looking for the ultimate outdoor cooking solution that […]

Building a Resilient Cordwood Chicken Coop in 7 Simple Steps

DIY Cordwood Chicken Coop

Premium materials and top-notch construction techniques guarantee a coop that’s built to last, giving your feathered friends a stylish and reliable roost for years to come. Don’t settle for a run-of-the-mill hen house – upgrade to a custom cordwood chicken coop that’s sure to ruffle some feathers! Here’s a great-looking coop that will protect your […]

A DIY wood porch swing with cup holders – A great way to unwind in your yard

Porch Swing Bench

There’s nothing quite like spending lazy summer days and balmy evenings on your porch swing. Whether you’re enjoying a good book, taking in the fresh air, or simply spending time with loved ones, a porch swing is a perfect spot to relax and unwind. Porch swings offer a unique and charming way to enjoy your […]

3 Outdoor Sink Ideas: Unique & Handy Wash Area

Cable Spool Sink

Now here’s a great idea for an outdoor kitchen or garden! This old wooden cable spool has been transformed into a one-of-a-kind outdoor sink to make your outdoor dinners and gardening activities more convenient – perfect for any garden or patio! An old wooden cable spool is a cylindrical piece of wood used to wind and store […]

Self-feeding campfire to fully enjoy outdoor camping

Self-Feeding Campfire

Camping is a great way to take a break and escape from the usual business of life. Whether it’s for a weekend or a week, the respite allows you to recharge despite roughing it out with mother nature.Camping can be a great way to get back to nature and appreciate the simple things in life. […]

How to build a DIY hot tub!

DIY Hot Tub

Who wouldn’t want to soak in a relaxing hot tub right in their own backyard? Well, the cost of buying a commercial hot tub understandably puts a lot of people off. But why buy one when you can build one yourself? This sure doesn’t fall on the easy DIY projects category, but building your own wood-fired […]

Portable Camp Kitchen: 5-Step Guide to Fun Outdoor Cooking

Portable Camp Kitchen

A great camp kitchen is a must for an amazing camping trip. It should be equipped with all the necessary cookware, utensils, and food storage containers. Furthermore, the portable camp kitchen should be stocked with enough food and supplies to last the entire trip. Do you love going on picnics or camping trips with family […]

Rustic Tailgate Wall Bench: Cheap 1-Day Project

Decorating can be expensive. As much as we all wish it were otherwise, making a home look interesting and presentably costs a lot of money. Fabrics, rugs, furniture, mirrors: all these things add up after a while. Throw in some coveted high-end items and you’ll likely blow your budget faster than you can say “Fast.” […]

Greenhouse From Old Windows: Cheap 1-Day Build for Gardens

Recycled crafts are some of the most popular garden projects we have here and we like them all. In addition to their positive environmental contribution, trash-to-treasure crafts are especially frugal, coming with little or no additional cost at all. This includes a greenhouse from old windows. These unique trash-to-treasure crafts are great ways to take […]