Fast, Easy and Eco-Friendly DIY Pests Management Projects for Your Home!

Last Updated on November 4, 2022 by teamobn

Families with children, pets, or a concern for the environment are increasingly turning to DIY eco-friendly pest management methods.

Families with children, pets, or a concern for the environment are increasingly turning to DIY eco-friendly pest management methods, and for good reason. (Photo: Tobias Sjösten/Flickr)

Most homeowners will have to deal with pests at one point or another. However, not everyone is comfortable using toxic pest control methods to rid their homes of these infestations.

Families with children, pets, or a concern for the environment are increasingly turning to DIY eco-friendly pest management methods, and for good reason. These methods are inexpensive, easy to make, often effective, safe, and eco-friendly.

Below are five eco-friendly DIY pest management methods you can use in your home.

Cucumber Peels

Ants do not like cucumber peels. That is because cucumber peels contain a chemical that kills fungi that ants eat.

Sprinkling cucumber peels around areas of your home that serve as entrance points for ant colonies. This is a good preventive pest control method.

Make sure you use this method outdoors only, though. You don’t want rotting cucumber peels stinking up your home.

Cucumber peels contain a chemical element that kills fungi that ants eat.
Cucumber peels contain a chemical element that kills fungi that ants eat.

Mint Barriers

Plants such as peppermint and spearmint are natural insect deterrents. They are especially effective against ants and aphids.

Plant a few varieties around your home and you will notice a decline in ant populations. Having fresh mint plants around your house will also give your yard a clean, pleasant smell.

Plants such as peppermint and spearmint are natural insect deterrents.
Plants such as peppermint and spearmint are natural insect deterrents.

DIY Eco-Friendly Sprays

You can make a number of eco-friendly pest control sprays at home. You can mix water with isopropyl alcohol, concentrated garlic oil, salt, or boiled elder leaves. These mixtures make good deterrents.  

You can spray any of these mixtures on indoor and outdoor plants to prevent and control pest infestations.

You can make a number of eco-friendly pest control sprays at home.
You can make a number of eco-friendly pest control sprays at home.

Dried Grits

Sprinkling dried grits around entry points in your home is a good deterrent against ants.  This is especially true after a dry spell.   

The drones will take the grits back to the queen. She will eat them, and the next time she drinks water the grits will expand. She will explode, of course.

That sounds ghastly, yes. But, hey, you don’t have to watch.

Sprinkling dried grits around entry points in your home is a good deterrent against ants.  This is especially true after a dry spell.
Sprinkling dried grits around entry points in your home is a good deterrent against ants. This is especially true after a dry spell.   

Baking Soda and Powdered Sugar

Nobody likes cockroaches in their home. They spread pathogens that can trigger asthma symptoms, especially among children.  

Mix baking soda and powdered sugar, and sprinkle it around problem areas. The sugar attracts the pests. The baking soda kills them. 

This method is simple, quick, and effective.

The sugar attracts the pests.  The baking soda kills them.
Mix baking soda and powdered sugar, and sprinkle it around problem areas. The sugar attracts the pests.  The baking soda kills them. 

Egg Shells

Eggshells keep pests away from your garden. The tiny sharp pieces are harmful to many garden pests. 

All you need to do is blend the eggshells to a fine powder in a food processor. Dust the powder around the roots of plants, damaged leaves, and around vegetables.

Eggshells are good fertilizers, as well. The eggshell fertilizer technique holds slugs and Japanese beetles at bay, in particular. You can also use the crushed pieces in your compost, too!

Eggshells keep pests away from your garden.
Eggshells keep pests away from your garden. The tiny sharp pieces are harmful to many garden pests. 

Give DIY Pest Management a Try!

Pests are not only an inconvenience, but they can also cause health problems for people in your household.

You can use a variety of commercial products to rid your home of pests. However, not all of them are safe for you, your family, or the environment.

Synthetic pesticides can include toxic chemicals. Traces of these may end up on our fruits and vegetables.

Finding a non-toxic brand would be ideal, but eco-friendly pesticides are also easy to make at home.

Remember, though, that every home is unique. Not all the tips we’ve suggested will work for your home’s particular situation. The key is to observe which pest management method works best for your home.

Are you ready to try our eco-friendly DIY pest management?



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